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Lee Women's Hospital Shines on the International Stage! ESHRE and ASRM Selected to Present Groundbreaking Achievements!

Despite the arduous journeys, Prof. Maw-Sheng Lee of Lee Women's Hospital continues to engage in annual international exchanges and research presentations worldwide, constantly leading the field of IVF research and collaborating with European counterparts.

The annual highlights for Lee Women's Hospital's Reproductive Medicine Team are the selections to present at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). In June 2023, Prof. Maw-Sheng Lee led the team to present two academic posters at ESHRE, reflecting the valuable results of the team's relentless efforts in overcoming research challenges throughout the year, shared with medical teams worldwide.
Academic poster: The inner cell mass (ICM) hatching levels of blastocyst before vitrification associated with clinical pregnancy rates after single embryo transfer in PGT-A cycles

Conclusion: Blastocysts with an Inner Cell Mass (ICM) incubation level below 50% exhibit a higher clinical pregnancy rate than those with an ICM incubation level above 50%.
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Academic poster: Correlations between the artificial intelligence scoring system (iDAScore v1.0) and live birth outcomes in preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy cycles

Conclusion: An increased iDAScore v1.0 in clinical studies at Lee Women's Hospital is positively correlated with the probability of pregnancy and live birth (LB) after Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A).
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These two academic posters were led by Prof. Maw-Sheng Lee and Dr. Chun-I Lee, with other co-authors including Dr. Pin-Yao Lin, Dr. Tsung-Hsien Lee, Dr. Chung-I Chen, Prof. Jun-Jia Huang, Jian-Hong Chen, Ph.D., and Prof. En-Hui Zheng.
There are still many unknowns in the field of reproductive medicine, and more than 15% of cases worldwide remain unexplained. Lee Women's Hospital will continue its research efforts and accumulate more clinical data to aid in more successful pregnancies. We eagerly anticipate the next presentation led by Dr. Chun-I Lee at ASRM, and look forward to it with great anticipation!