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Lee Women’s Hospital have its own sperm bank and fertility bank?

● The main purpose of establishing sperm bank and fertility bank:
In order to help infertile couples and assist the government in implementing the eugenics family plan, young men and women with excellent pedigrees and good education degrees above university are specially recruited to promote the well-being of infertile couples' families and to conceive next excellent generations.

● 招募對象:
年滿20歲~40歲、身高165cm以上。 為了您的健康,BMI值希望控制於18~24之間,未曾捐贈者或受贈者未因您的捐贈產下活產者。 只要身心健康無不良習性,各種血型都可以。

● 捐贈辦法:
1. 可先上網登記,將有專人與您聯繫  【我想捐精】  點我報名  
2. 持身份證正本及身份證正反面影印本,畢業證書或學生證,於週一至週五,早上9:00~10:30、下午2:00~3:30,至台中市北屯區昌平路一段30-6號,二樓生殖研究中心辦理登記及檢查。

● 捐贈前健康評估:
1. 一般生理性狀況、精神性疾病
2. 遺傳性疾病(包括:染色體異常病史、癲癇、血友病病史、地中海型貧血、糖尿病、 色盲家族病史)
3. 傳染性疾病(包括:梅毒、淋病、愛滋病、B型肝炎表面抗原、披衣菌感染)、家族疾病史、血液檢查(含血型)及精液檢查

1. 保障受贈者之健康權益,並監測捐贈者精子之使用、保存與銷毀情形。
2. 掌握捐贈人之精子使用資料,到達一處捐贈及一次活產之原則。
3. 監控施行各項人工生殖技術之施術情形及保障、提昇施術品質。

● 捐贈營養金:依國民健康署規定給予法定上限營養金 NT8,000元。

● 受贈對象:
1. 男性不孕症的治療個案:完全沒有精蟲的男子不孕症,即俗稱的無子西瓜,可藉由精子銀行的冷凍精子,做人工受孕或試管嬰兒。
2. 先生有遺傳性的疾病: 包括癲癇症、染色體異常、血友病、地中海型貧血、糖尿病、色盲等。

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● Other services of sperm & eggs bank:
1. To freeze sperms, eggs and embryos.
2. Cases of female infertility treatment:Women with irregular menstruation due to cancer treatment, women who are reluctance to have children when they are young, or irregular menstruation due to social pressure and job. On the day of egg pick-up in woman, if the husband has to do something that cannot cooperate with the sperm retrieval on that day, he can freeze his sperms for future use.
3. Prevention of accidents: including car accidents, air crashes, shipwrecks, etc.
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