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《 Netizens Questions 》About artificial reproduction.

About the problems you will encounter on the road of getting pregnant.

Mr. A:
Dr. Lee... Does sperm isolation include artificial insemination?

Sperm isolation is a treatment that must be performed in combination with artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization (IVF).


Mrs. B:
What is a hysterosalpingogram?

Hysterosalpingogram shall be dome after menstruation, the radiologist in the X-ray room will be arrange to inject the contrast developer into the cervix to observe the condition of the uterine cavity or fallopian tubes, which is called hysterosalpingogram. 

It can not only understand the patency of the fallopian tubes, but also the degree of adhesions around the fallopian tubes. It is best to arrange the hysterosalpingogram after the menstruation is completely gone and before the ovulation day, because the photography is much clear when the endometrium is not thick!


Mrs. C:
I would like to ask ... is there any danger in doing hysterosalpingogram? Will it cause an infection or something wrong? When is it better to check? Shall I need contraception in the same month after receiving hysterosalpingogram? Do I have to take antibiotics? How long is the inspection?


  1. A small number of people may have pain or allergy. The feeling of pain varies from person to person. If you are afraid of pain, I suggest you discuss the possibility of anesthesia with your gynecologist, but there are also many people who cannot stand the side effects of dizziness and vomiting after anesthesia.
  2. The injection process of the developer during hysterosalpingogram are all aseptic operations and will not cause infection.
  3. It is recommended to arrange the hysterosalpingogram after the end of menstruation to the day of ovulation, because the photography is much clearer when the endometrium is not hypertrophic.
  4. Ten days before menstruation will not affect the inspection, it is no need for contraception.
  5. It is not necessary to take antibiotics, and the administration is for preventive administration.
  6. It usually takes about ten to twenty minutes.


Mrs. D:
Will the menstrual cycle be irregular after the ovum pick-up (OPU)?

Menstruation usually comes 7-10 days earlier after ovum pick-up, but it will follow the normal time afterwards!


Mr. E:
Does sperm isolation have to be artificial? What is the success rate of artificial conception?

Sperm isolation must be done in conjunction with artificial fertility treatment. The artificial pregnancy rate is 20~30%. If it is not successful in the first time, it is recommended to receive consecutive treatment four to five times, and the success rate will increase to 60~70%.


Mrs. F:
After examination by the doctor, I can only conceive in vitro. Is this a kind of sperm isolation?

There are two types of sperm isolation: artificial conception (one month) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) (two months). Artificial conception: The sperm of a boy is screened artificially and implanted into the uterine cavity. IVF: A woman whose eggs are picked up and the boys 'sperm are screened, and then eggs and sperms are cultured into embryos, which are implanted in the girls' uterine cavity.


Mrs. G:
I received egg retrieval at 8-9 pm. When will the implantation be scheduled?

The ovulation may start after ovarian stimulation needle injected within an average of 36 hours, and ovulation may occur before and after 36 hours. Implantation of sperm before ovulation can survive for 72 hours, and implantation of eggs after ovulation can survive for 24 hours, so the implantation time is usually 36 hours after the ovarian stimulation needle is injected.


Mrs. H:
If the menstruation does not come over time, do I need to take emmenagogue directly? My menstruation usually comes for five days, but this time only comes for three days after using emmenagogue. It doesn't seem right. Is it related to the thickness of the endometrium? If so, what will be the impact?


⋙ "Menstruation does not come over time"
The reason may be pregnancy, emotions, or stress. Therefore, the doctor will not directly induce menstruation till the doctor understands the real cause, and then makes a diagnosis and treats it.

⋙ "My menstruation usually comes for five days, but this time only comes for three days after using emmenagogue".
The reason may be that, after menstruation, the total amount of menstrual blood is the same, but the menstrual blood flow is more concentrated. Another reason could be related to the endometrial thickness. If the endometrial thickness is thicker, the amount of menstrual blood will be larger, and it may be an abnormal lesion in the endometrium.


Mrs. I:
Hello! I am 26 years old and I’m getting pregnant for 5 weeks, but I need to induce abortion due to abnormal embryo condition. What is the best way for an induced abortion? Taking RU486 or artificial abortion? Any sequelae for the above mentioned methods?

Artificial (induced) abortion does not affect fertility, but if the endometrial basal layer is injured by the surgery, it will affect the endometrial hyperplasia, which may further affect embryo implantation. As for inflammation, it may be a surgical infection that has not been cured, or it may be a sexual infection or poor personal hygiene.

As for the termination of pregnancy with the RU-486 drug, the effect during early pregnancy is good with a success rate of about 95%. Patients who need medical abortion should first use ultrasound scanning to determine the size of embryo and location of pregnancy. RU-486 is a controlled drug and should be taken under the supervision of a physician. After taking RU-486, you may suffer from vaginal bleeding lasting for a long time, even for about two weeks. After a medical abortion, you must go back to the hospital for follow-up and make sure that the bleeding has already terminated. If it does not, you still need a surgery for help.


Mr. J:
Dr. Lee... What is the accuracy of sperm isolation? Does it include artificial insemination? How much does it cost? Can you know the baby's gender right away?

Sperm isolation is a treatment that must be used in conjunction with artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization (IVF). The cost of a single sperm isolation is about NTD $20,000.

The ultrasonography may detect the baby’s gender after 16-20 weeks.
In addition, we would like to remind that the couples shall not require a gender screening based on the legal norm of the artificial reproductive law, and it is recommended that infertility patients consider being pregnant as the first priority then considering the baby’s gender.


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