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The effect of leukemia inhibiting factor and genetic polymorphism of anti-Mullerian hormone on superovulation in IVF treatment in Women

The effect of leukemia inhibiting factor and genetic polymorphism of anti-Mullerian hormone on superovulation in IVF treatment in Women
CAO HUI-MEI*1, Zhou Ying-Er2, CHEN,JIAN-HONG 2, ZHENG EN-HUI 1, HUANG,JUN-JIA 1, Zhong- Yi Chen 1, Maw-Sheng Lee 1, Yang Shun-Fa 3
Lee Women’s Hospital 1, Institute of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Chung Shan Medical University 2, Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University 3

Since the decoding of the human genome, a new concept of disease prediction and treatment has emerged. Scientists are working on findingrelevant genes that can help diagnosis, prevention, and even treatment of diseases. Among them, many research papers on genetic polymorphism have been published. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) is a single base pair variation in a DNA sequence, that is, the bases in the DNA sequence are changed. The "physical constitution" difference that we often talk about can actually be explained by genetic variation. Each of them has three different genotypes.Genotype variation may lead to differences in disease mechanism as well asdrug sensitivity.

In the oral report by genetic diagnostic laboratory team of Lee Women’s Hospital in the Taiwan Reproductive Medicine Association on August 27, 2016, we presented the effects of genetic polymorphism of LIF (rs929271) and AMH (rs10407022) on the response of superovulation in women receiving IVF treatment.

Blood samples of infertile women under 35 years of age were collected from January 2014 to December 2015 (IRB No.CD13194). A total of 532 subjects receiving IVF treatment were enrolled. Genetic polymorphism was analyzed by real-time PCR. The distribution of LIF genotype was 37.4% homozygous normal, 45.5% heterozygous, and 17.1% of homozygous variant; and the distribution of AMH genotype was 33.1% homozygous normal, 49.4% heterozygous, and 17.5% of homozygous variant.

The results showed that among 532 participants, the frequency of LIF homozygous variant was 40.63% and 16.40% in womenretrieved with fewer than 5 eggs and those with more than 5 eggs, respectively, and the difference is significant. Significant difference was also found in the frequency of AMH homozygous variant, i.e., 31.25% and 16.60% in these two groups, respectively. Our results indicated that in the IVF treatment, fewer eggs were retrieved from women with AMH and LIF homozygous variant loci. The results can provide a good reference for doctors to adjust the superovulation response to find out the most appropriate countermeasures in IVF treatment.
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