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What is PCOS? The symptoms and cures for PCOS

When females’ estrogen level is too high, or the AMH value is higher than 5, they might have PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome).
Patients with PCOS often suffer from irregular menstruation period, higher androgen level, abnormal ovary structure, etc.
This is a very common gynecologic disease and obstacle for women wanting to get pregnant.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?
  • Irregular menstruation period: less than 8 times a year or menstruation period over 35 days
  • Higher androgen level: increase in amount of pimples and body hair (especially on the upper lip, chin, abdomen, upper arm or underarms). 
  • Abnormal ovary structure: radiology diagnosed enlarged ovary or more than 10-12 follicles are found in the ovary
  • Hormonal abnormalities: increased hair volume, acne, hair loss and irregular menstruation period
Insulin resistance could also be found in PCOS, leading to metabolic disease and obesity and  affects ovulation.

Why will I get PCOS? What are the causes of PCOS?
The cause of PCOS is still unknown. Clinical believe that it could be related to inheritance and change in hormones. 
  • Congenital cause: Women with a family history may have hormonal problems, with increased androgen production leading to difficulties in ovulation.
  • Acquired cause: Clinical observations have found that obesity, insulin resistance and other factors can also induce PCOS.

Will PCOS affect pregnancy?
Patients with PCOS often have irregular menstruation periods. High androgen level could also lead to difficulties in ovulation and poorer ovum quality. Therefore patients with PCOS will find it difficult to get pregnant.

What are the cures for PCOS?
  1. Oral contraceptives: Oral contraceptives can suppress androgen production, allowing patients to have regular menstruation. This method is suitable for women who do not have family planning yet. 
  2. Control insulin resistance: Use drugs to lower insulin levels to help restore ovulation and other symptoms (eg, weight loss, slow hair growth).
  3. Ovulation medicines: Use ovulation medicines to stimulate ovulation and increase the pregnancy rate. This method is suitable for women who have family planning.
  4. Weight control: For PCOS caused by obesity, menstrual disorders can be improved after weight control.

How to relieve PCOS with exercise and diet?
  • Regular exercise:
    BMI between 18~24 could lower androgen level and insulin resistance.
  • Diet:
    Prefer diet with higher cellulose, less trans fat and saturated fat and refined carbohydrate foods.
  • Vitamin D3, Q10 and Inositol:
    Regulate insulin sensitivity, improve ovulation problems, improve egg quality and conception rate. Inositol and folic acid also help regulate insulin.
  • Other supplements suitable for PCOS:
    - melatonin: 3mg before sleep
    - lipoic acid: R-lipoic acid 200-300mg, regular dose 600mg
    - acetylcysteine: 600mg
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