Success Story
Successful technology named detection of spindle briefringence.
In over a third of infertility cases, the problem is with the man. This is most often due to problems with his sperm production or with sperm delivery. But after our treatment, lots of couples can nomally have their own child.
This couple they were infertile for several years because of azoospermia. Our doctor took out the sperm from the testis, and use ICSI(intracytoplasmic sperm injection)to help fertilization.
In order to prevent chromosome damage, we apply the lastest reproductive technology named detection of spindle briefringence. After years of waiting, they finally become parents. Now they are back to make their second child. Let's pray for them.

This couple they were infertile for several years because of azoospermia. Our doctor took out the sperm from the testis, and use ICSI(intracytoplasmic sperm injection)to help fertilization.
In order to prevent chromosome damage, we apply the lastest reproductive technology named detection of spindle briefringence. After years of waiting, they finally become parents. Now they are back to make their second child. Let's pray for them.