Success Story
Your smile are the force of our work
The couple used to be infertile for over 3 years. After initial check-up, we found out the wife's AMH was only 0.5, but her FSH was over 22.
Her condition was diagnosed as premature ovarian failure(POF).
So we used detection of spindle birefringence to make good use of her every single egg and prevent any damage of the embryos.
Fortunately she got pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby boy last year. Hope her story may bring hope and courage to other couples who are still on the road.

Her condition was diagnosed as premature ovarian failure(POF).
So we used detection of spindle birefringence to make good use of her every single egg and prevent any damage of the embryos.
Fortunately she got pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby boy last year. Hope her story may bring hope and courage to other couples who are still on the road.