Success Story


Immunotherapy and Successful IVF Pregnancy

Immunotherapy and Successful IVF Pregnancy

Miss K from Hong Kong had already achieved major life milestones before turning 30, but at the age of 43, she still couldn't fulfill her dream of becoming a mother. The couple actively underwent 9 IVF treatments locally, experiencing 3 heartbreaking miscarriages in the process. It was then that they made the determined decision to cross the sea to Taiwan and seek the guidance of Dr. Maw-Sheng Lee. In her recent follow-up visit, she achieved pregnancy success with just one embryo implantation! She is currently 10 weeks pregnant!

Personalized IVF Reveals the Causes of Infertility: Immunological Issues and Chromosomal Abnormalities

Under the diagnosis of Dr. Lee, it was revealed that immunological factors had caused Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS), and recurrent miscarriages were due to embryonic chromosomal abnormalities. Dr. Lee employed a personalized therapy approach to understand the reasons behind failed embryo implantation and recurrent miscarriages. He discovered that despite Miss K's advanced age, her polycystic ovary condition made her relatively prone to egg collection. However, genetic testing showed chromosomal abnormalities in the embryos. Even with a good embryo grading, they still faced difficulties in implantation and an increased risk of miscarriage. Dr. Lee pointed out that this was likely the primary reason for the three miscarriages in Hong Kong.

Fourth-Generation IVF Combined with Immunotherapy Leads to Success with a Single Embryo Implantation

Dr. Lee utilized the fourth-generation IVF with Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A or PGS) to screen embryos for chromosomal abnormalities. After conducting embryo slice analysis to examine chromosomal numbers, healthy embryos were selected for implantation. Following implantation, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was administered to effectively reduce the risk of miscarriage. Currently, she is 10 weeks pregnant, finally finding the right method on her journey to parenthood. Finally, Dr. Lee wishes for Miss K to maintain a healthy and joyful disposition and give birth to a healthy and adorable baby.
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