Success Story


IVF for Advanced Maternal Age - 4 Babies are here!

Story of Lai family: IVF successful cases with 4 babies

The Lai family from Taichung has made their home lively and warm since the arrival of their 4 precious children. Due to taking care of babies, they rarely travel far, and the children engage in more outdoor activities as they grow up. This time, the whole family of six drove a 7-seater car to visit Dr. Maw-Sheng Lee.

Reflecting on the memory 5 years ago, Mrs. Lai shared that due to her husband’s medical background, they were concerned about the limited time for conceiving due to late marriage and aging. They hoped to have children before the age of 40. Therefore, they directly sought the renowned IVF expert, Dr. Maw-Sheng Lee, at Lee Women’s Hospital.

“We knew very early on that Dr. Lee is famous in the field of IVF. My family resides in Yunlin County and shares the same hometown as Dr. Lee. My relatives trust Dr. Lee’s expertise, so they greatly supported us. Upon seeing the professional team and excellent facilities on-site, we decided to proceed with the IVF treatment at Lee Women’s Hospital.”

Although the 1st IVF attempt was unsuccessful, Dr. Lee encouraged us. After a 3-month break, we underwent a 2nd IVF cycle. In the 2nd cycle, 12 eggs were retrieved, resulting in the formation of 5 embryos. After implanting some of the embryos, they were blessed with a pair of twins!

“I still remember the anxious and hopeful moments during the follow-up after the embryo transfer, waiting for the pregnancy test result. With a smile on his face, Dr. Lee kinly announced, ‘Congratulations, you’re pregnant!’ At that moment, tears welled up in my eyes, and I felt overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude. Finally, in that moment of joy after the arduous IVF journey, everything fell into place. From the IVF to the pregnancy, we chose to stay at Lee Women’s Hospital. Our OB/GYN Dr. Liao took over the subsequent prenatal care and delivery. (A big applause to Dr. Liao for his exceptional skills! You can’t even tell where my cesarean section was performed; there is no scar. He is truly outstanding!)”

While the twins grew up to 3-year-olds, they returned to Lee Women’S Hospital to start another treatment. Mrs. Lai shared that during the interval of 3 years, Lee Women’s Hospital has made significant advancements in medical technology, equipment, and healthcare. The 2 embryos that implanted this time were frozen embryos from 3 years ago. Fortunately that once again successfully welcomed a pair of twin siblings.

“The professional reproduction team at Lee Women’s Hospital enabled us to have 2 pairs of twin babies. We are deeply grateful to Dr. Lee and the medical team for giving us these precious children. Today, we brought out 4 children back to let Dr. Lee them. They are all healthy kids.”

Mrs. Lai also hopes to encourage couples unundergoing IVF treatment.
"To all the future parents who are working hard, make sure to adjust your physical and mental well-being. The journey of IVF treatment can be tough, and what you need the most is a supportive partner who accompanies you with all their heart. Believe that your babies can feel the sweet happiness that comes with this anticipation, and they will arrive soon. When you hear the loud cries of your little ones, all the hardships will be worth it. Keep going, unite as a couple, relax, and entrust your journey to the professional team at Lee Women's Hospital!"
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