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IVF Success Rates by Age: Pregnancy Success Depends on Embryo Quantity

What age is IVF most successful? The journey of IVF can bring hope to couples struggling with infertility. Many may wonder if the success rate of IVF surpasses those of natural conception, and if the chances of success are high during the first attempt.

IVF success rates are generally higher than natural conception, the success rate of IVF is highest for individuals under 35 years old, reaching 41.5%. However, after the age of 40, the success rate of IVF drops to below 5%.

IVF Success Rates by Age

Age plays a significant role in determining the success rate of IVF. Let’s delve into three different age groups and explore their respective natural pregnancy rates, IVF success rates, and the impact of the quantity of eggs.


Age range Under 35 35 to 40 Over 40
Natural pregnancy rates 15% 10-5% >5%
IVF success rates 41.5% 31.9-12.4% >5%


IVF Success Rates Under 35

Age under 35, the percentage of IVF success rate is 41.5%.

Age 35 group tends to have higher natural pregnancy rates and better IVF success rates. With a large number of healthy eggs available for retrieval, the chances of a successful IVF outcome are typically higher.

IVF Success Rates 35 to 40

Age between 35~40, the percentage of IVF success rate is 31.9%~12.4%.

As a woman's age advances, the natural pregnancy rates decline, along with the IVF success rates. However, the likelihood of a successful IVF procedure is still considerable within this age range.

IVF Success Rates over 40

Age over 40, the percentage of IVF success rate is less than 5%.

Women over the age of 40 face more significant challenges in achieving successful IVF outcomes. The natural pregnancy rates decline significantly, and the IVF success rates become more unpredictable. However, with proper medical guidance and care, successful pregnancies are still possible.

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Why is it more challenging to succeed in IVF as age increases?

Several factors contribute to the decline in IVF success rates as age increases. These include:

  1. A decrease in the quantity and quality of eggs
  2. An increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities
  3. A decline in ovarian reserve

It is generally recommended to pursue IVF at a younger age to maximize the chances of success.


Freezing eggs can improve IVF success rate

Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, offers a solution to overcome age-related challenges in IVF.

By freezing eggs at a younger age, women can preserve their fertility potential for future use. When these frozen eggs are later thawed and used in an IVF cycle, the chances of success are improved. The age at which eggs are frozen and the techniques used for freezing and thawing are crucial factors in determining the success rates.


IVF Success Stories in Lee Women’s Hospital

Lee Women’s Hospital has witnessed numerous inspiring IVF success stories. Let’s explore a few of theses cases:

  • Cases 1: Mrs. Lai, aged 35, underwent three IVF cycles at Lee Women’s Hospital and successfully gave birth to two pairs of twin babies in four years. 
  • Cases 2: Bei Bei, aged 40, she had previously tried artificial insemination and IVF treatments but ended up with miscarriage. She visited our hospital and underwent two egg retrieval cycles, and finally her baby girl was born.
  • Cases 3: Sarah, aged 44, she and her husband flew to Taiwan for IVF treatments, before they visited LWH, they tried more than 20 cycles of IVF. 

For more real-life success stories from Lee Women’s Hospital, you can visit: 


IVF Success Rate Q&A

What is the success rate of IVF on the first try?

The success rate of IVF on the first attempt can vary depending on several factors, including the woman’s age, overall health, underlying fertility issues, and the quality of the eggs and embryos used. On average, the success rate of IVF on the first try ranges from 20% to 30%.
However, it’s important to note that individual success rates may differ, and multiple IVF cycles may be necessary to achieve a successful pregnancy. 

What should I do if IVF fails for the first time?

Experiencing a failed IVF cycle can be emotionally challenging. It is crucial to give yourself time to process your emotions and seek support from your partner, family, or a counselor. It’s also important to have an open conversation with your fertility specialist to understand the reasons for the failure and discuss alternative treatment options or modifications to the current treatment plan.

Is ICSI more successful than IVF?

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a specialized technique used in conjunction with IVF. It involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg to facilitate fertilization. ICSI is generally recommended when there are concerns about sperm quality or quantity.
While ICSI can improve fertilization rates in cases of male factor infertility, it does not significantly impact the overall success rates of IVF. The success rates for IVF and ICSI are comparable and depend on factors such as the woman’s age, egg quality, and other individual factors.

How many eggs do I need for IVF success?

The number of eggs needed for IVF success varies depending on several factors, including the woman’s age and ovarian reserve. Generally, a higher number of retrieved eggs increases the chances of successful fertilization and the availability of quality embryos for transfer.
However, there is no specific minimum or maximum number of eggs that guarantee success. Fertility specialists aim to retrieve an optimal number of eggs based on individual circumstances to maximize the chance of achieving a successful pregnancy.

How much does IVF cost?

The cost of IVF can vary depending on several factors, including the specific treatment protocols, additional procedures or services required, and any associated medications. It is recommended to consult with our doctors after the initial consultation for customized treatment options.

  • General IVF treatment price: $6,500 to $7,000
  • 4th-generation IVF treatment price: $9,500 to $10,500

Remember, each individual’s fertility journey is unique, and success rates and costs can vary. It is important to consult with a fertility specialist and discuss your specific circumstances to get personalized information and guidance regarding IVF success rates and costs. 



Age has been identified as a significant determinant of IVF success, with younger individuals generally experiencing higher success rates. Lee Women’s Hospital serves as an excellent resource for those seeking IVF treatment, offering a comprehensive approach to fertility care and personalized treatment.

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